
Archive for August 20th, 2008


Anatomy of a Child’s Room

Time to welcome another addition to the family and yet there is still a little princess in the nursery. She needs a room special enough to take the place of the most loving nursery in the world. A place so special she will be excited to leave the only room she has ever known and pass it down to her new baby sister. How about a secret garden, her own private sanctuary for big girl stories and big sister toys, a place where she can begin to grow just like the flowers in her garden.


In designing the room there are 5 key components to start with: theme, storage, focus, growth, and safety.

Theme – What could be brighter, more inviting and enchanting than your own private garden. This room had to be bright and inviting, a loving room to welcome a little girl moved from her nursery just before her baby sister came home. The only limits in this room is the fence around the walls that appears to hold back the larger than life flowers growing out of the wall and over the pickets. Large painted flowers and fabric flowers grow out of the walls to create special spaces perfect to sit under and read or daydream. The center of the large fabric flower is also a sunshine nightlight, keeping the dark out of the garden. The colors and fabrics chosen all coordinate. The quilt purchased for this room was also used as the fabric to upholster the window seat.

Focus – From the fluffy clouds in the sky to the window seat bench to the petal covered reading area this room focuses on a little girl who wants to be surrounded by life and beauty. The garden theme provides design focus and nothing more than the larger than life flower blooming from the wall. This flower provides a covered area to read or dream during the day and at night the center of the flower lights the room keeping some day in the garden.

Storage – Needing room for memories, old favorites and new additions – this all means storage space. This room had a large closet space that was maximized with the addition of closet organizers. In addition to the closet storage in room shelving was added as well as the custom built seat and covered storage under the window and along the wall. The built in storage unit includes sections tailored for little hands and other sections designed for seasonal or occasional needs.

Growth – This whimsical room is playful and cheerful enough to welcome a toddler while warm and mature enough to keep her comfortable and happy for years. The furnishings and design elements all adapt and develop with this little gardener. Her bed set up for a safe night sleep fresh from a crib becomes a twin bed welcoming her, as she gets bigger. The padded window seat is the perfect space for a story or quiet time with mommy and a great place for a personal moment, as she gets older.

Safety – This room had a keen eye on safety not only for the main occupant but also for the younger sister joining the family and certainly a constant visitor to the garden. Along with some technical inclusions including audio and video cameras set up to allow for monitoring from anywhere in the house, additional customizations were made. Electrical outlets were moved to higher locations on shelves and out of reach of little hands, placed strategically for known requirements. Everything placed on lower shelves is toddler safe saving the higher shelves for mom and dad.

Moved out of a nursery and needing a growing space – a secret garden can grow with this little flower. A quiet story under her own private petals or a fun play date with a baby sister, this room welcomes everyone with a sunny bright day.

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Sports Junky

Kidtropolis was contracted to produce a creative sports den for local radio talent Jason Bishop from WJFKs the “Junkies.”




(Full article coming soon. Will also be featured in this Falls Washington Home and Garden Magazine).

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Shabby Chic Armoire

Check out the Shabby Chic Armoire we designed for one of our favorite clients.

This armoire was designed for an infant to keep into the teen years.

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